Net Price Calculator
没有办法提前知道学生的确切学费/费用,因为它会因课程等因素而有所不同, course, lab fees, etc. 然而,我们希望帮助你非常接近一个答案,以便你可以相应地计划.
出勤费(COA)是对普通学生就读菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的费用的估计. 它既包括欠学校的直接费用(如学费和杂费),也包括学生可能产生的间接费用(如交通费), but are not owed to the school.
Estimated Cost of Attendance
出勤费(COA)是对普通学生就读菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的费用的估计, 并根据学生注册的学分数计算. 它既包括欠学校的直接费用(如学费和杂费),也包括学生可能产生的间接费用(如交通费), but are not owed to the school. 因此,COA的金额大于学生将被蒙大拿州理工学院收取的费用. 根据学生类型,使用以下估算来帮助预算一年的生活和学习费用.
IMPORTANT: Actual Charges can be found on the Business Office Tuition Schedules page. 有些项目有额外的费用,可以在项目项下进行审查, Course, and Other Fees on the same page.
Cost of Attendance & Financial Aid
When determining financial aid, COA用于确定学生是否有资格获得基于需求的援助,并作为学生在给定学年中可以获得的援助总额的上限.
When an initial financial aid offer is made, 假设本科生每学期学习12个或更多学分,研究生每学期学习9个或更多学分,这被认为是全日制. 如果学生在公布的学期人口普查日期之后没有全日制入学(在成绩单上没有出现W的最后一天), COA将进行调整,以反映新的信贷负荷,并相应地改变财政援助的提供.
Montana Tech Undergraduate Students
Students Seeking a Bachelor Degree
Estimated Costs | In-State | Out-of-State | WUE Advantage |
Tuition & Fees | $8,340 | $25,410 | $11,620 |
Living Expenses** | $12,120 | $12,120 | $12,120 |
Books & Supplies | $1,240 | $1,240 | $1,240 |
Transportation | $2,428 | $2,428 | $2,428 |
Miscellaneous** | $2,254 | $2,254 | $2,254 |
TOTAL | $26,382 | $43,452 | $29,662 |
**与父母同住的学生减少了杂项/个人开支和生活费用. 因此,生活费为$1816,杂项/个人费用为$1126.
Estimated Costs | In-State | Out-of-State | WUE Advantage |
Tuition & Fees | $6,530 | $21,300 | $10,240 |
Living Expenses** | $12,120 | $12,120 | $12,120 |
Books & Supplies | $790 | $790 | $790 |
Transportation | $2,428 | $2,428 | $2,428 |
Miscellaneous** | $2,254 | $2,254 | $2,254 |
TOTAL | $24,122 | $38,892 | $27,832 |
**与父母同住的学生减少了杂项/个人开支和生活费用. 因此,生活费为$1816,杂项/个人费用为$1126.
Estimated Costs | In-State | Out-of-State | WUE Advantage |
Tuition & Fees | $4,400 | $14,930 | $6,130 |
Living Expenses** | $12,120 | $12,120 | $12,120 |
Books & Supplies | $540 | $540 | $540 |
Transportation | $2,428 | $2,428 | $2,428 |
Miscellaneous** | $2,254 | $2,254 | $2,254 |
TOTAL | $21,742 | $32,272 | $23,472 |
**与父母同住的学生减少了杂项/个人开支和生活费用. 因此,生活费为$1816,杂项/个人费用为$1126.
Estimated Costs | In-State | Out-of-State | WUE Advantage |
Tuition & Fees | $1,920 | $6,600 | $4,690 |
Living Expenses** | $12,120 | $12,120 | $12,120 |
Books & Supplies | $230 | $230 | $230 |
Transportation | $2,428 | $2,428 | $2,428 |
TOTAL | $16,698 | $21,378 | $19,468 |
与父母同住的学生减少了生活费. Therefore, the living expenses are $1816.
Montana Tech Graduate Students
Students Seeking a Master’s or Doctoral Degree
Estimated Costs | In-State | Out-of-State | WRGP |
Tuition & Fees | $7,970 | $25,410 | $10,660 |
Living Expenses | $12,120 | $12,120 | $12,120 |
Books & Supplies | $890 | $890 | $890 |
Transportation | $2,428 | $2,428 | $2,428 |
Miscellaneous | $2,254 | $2,254 | $2,254 |
TOTAL | $25,662 | $43,102 | $28,352 |
Estimated Costs | In-State | Out-of-State | WRGP |
Tuition & Fees | $5,620 | $18,820 | $7,980 |
Living Expenses | $12,120 | $12,120 | $12,120 |
Books & Supplies | $610 | $610 | $610 |
Transportation | $2,428 | $2,428 | $2,428 |
Miscellaneous | $2,254 | $2,254 | $2,254 |
TOTAL | $23,032 | $36,232 | $25,392 |
Estimated Costs | In-State | Out-of-State | WRGP |
Tuition & Fees | $4,480 | $15,640 | $6,270 |
Living Expenses | $12,120 | $12,120 | $12,120 |
Books & Supplies | $490 | $490 | $490 |
Transportation | $2,428 | $2,428 | $2,428 |
Miscellaneous | $2,254 | $2,254 | $2,254 |
TOTAL | $21,772 | $32,932 | $23,562 |
Estimated Costs | In-State | Out-of-State | WRGP |
Tuition & Fees | $1,920 | $7,590 | $3,200 |
Living Expenses | $12,120 | $12,120 | $12,120 |
Books & Supplies | $410 | $410 | $410 |
Transportation | $2,428 | $2,428 | $2,428 |
Miscellaneous | $0 | $0 | $0 |
TOTAL | $16,878 | $22,548 | $18,158 |
Highlands College Undergraduate Students
Students Seeking an Associate’s Degree or Certificate
Estimated Costs | In-State | Out-of-State | WUE Advantage |
Tuition & Fees | $4,130 | $10,950 | $5,670 |
Living Expenses** | $12,120 | $12,120 | $12,120 |
Books & Supplies | $1,240 | $1,240 | $1,240 |
Transportation** | $2,428 | $2,428 | $2,428 |
Miscellaneous** | $2,254 | $2,254 | $2,254 |
TOTAL | $22,172 | $28,992 | $23,712 |
**与父母同住的学生减少了杂项/个人开支和生活费用. 因此,生活费为$1816,杂项/个人费用为$1126.
Estimated Costs | In-State | Out-of-State | WUE Advantage |
Tuition & Fees | $3,440 | $8,270 | $4,770 |
Living Expenses** | $12,120 | $12,120 | $12,120 |
Books & Supplies | $810 | $810 | $810 |
Transportation** | $2,428 | $2,428 | $2,428 |
Miscellaneous** | $2,254 | $2,254 | $2,254 |
TOTAL | $21,052 | $25,882 | $22,382 |
**与父母同住的学生减少了杂项/个人开支和生活费用. 因此,生活费为$1816,杂项/个人费用为$1126.
Estimated Costs | In-State | Out-of-State | WUE Advantage |
Tuition & Fees | $2,340 | $5,600 | $3,414 |
Living Expenses** | $12,120 | $12,120 | $12,120 |
Books & Supplies | $540 | $540 | $540 |
Transportation** | $2,428 | $2,428 | $2,428 |
Miscellaneous** | $2,254 | $2,254 | $2,254 |
TOTAL | $19,682 | $22,942 | $20,756 |
**与父母同住的学生减少了杂项/个人开支和生活费用. 因此,生活费为$1816,杂项/个人费用为$1126.
Estimated Costs | In-State | Out-of-State | WUE Advantage |
Tuition & Fees | $1,220 | $2,926 | $1,606 |
Living Expenses** | $12,120 | $12,120 | $12,120 |
Books & Supplies | $250 | $250 | $250 |
Transportation | $2,428 | $2,428 | $2,428 |
TOTAL | $16,018 | $17,724 | $16,404 |
与父母同住的学生减少了生活费. Therefore, the living expenses are $1816.
Net Price Calculator
查看基于您的特定需求的更详细的COA, use one of the following net price calculators. 根据你想要的学位课程选择下面的链接. (These calculators apply to undergraduate majors only. 研究生的学杂费可参考上表.)
Montana Tech's North Campus (4-year bachelor degrees)
Net Price Calculator - North Campus
Net Price Calculator - Highlands College
要查看本学年的详细学费表,请 请访问商务办公室学费时间表页面.
We can answer your questions and help you get started.
Phone: (406) 496-4223
Fax: 406-496-4705
Student Success Center, 3.126